To understand Cheese Tourism, let’s first learn a little about gastronomy and cheese. Let’s start with gastronomy.
What is Gastronomy?
Gastronomy, beverage and culinary culture table layouts, preparations, tastes, visuals and examines the relationships between At the same time, this delicious dish and described as an “artistic activity” by people who research beverages. can be made in a definition in the form of discipline.
What is Gastronomy Tourism?
The concept of food consumption is not only for nutritional needs, but also for pleasure. and a way of making connections between other social, cultural, political activities is also accepted. Tourism has also increased the interest in local cuisines in the last two decades. Destinations have begun to focus on food as the main tourism product. has begun. Especially when tourists travel almost half of their budget. spending on food and drink makes food both a tourism product and a It is also important to use the destination as a marketing tool. Gastronomy tourism does not only appeal to tourists, but also contributes to the sustainable development of a destination. However, it is thought that the culinary culture of a destination is a key element in providing quality to the holiday experience. Current research highlights that local food is an important tourist attraction and central to the tourist experience, not only for those with a special interest in food, but also for those with a more casual attitude to food and food.
Definition of Cheese:
Cheese is defined in many sources as “partly or wholly defatted/un-skimmed variety. milk belonging to animals (cow, sheep, goat, etc.), various dairy product residues (butter, yoghurt, buttermilk or whey) or mixtures thereof the curd formed by yeast and harmless organic acids or by fermentation, directly or as a result of processing in different ways by adding various flavoring and fragrant substances. 33 product obtained without maturation or by maturing in various ways” is defined as.
Cheese Tourism:
In important regions of the world, tours are organized for cheese lovers where they can taste cheeses worth trying. The purpose of organizing these tours and the expectations of the visitors; It’s both fun and experience. On these tours, visitors get to experience the making of traditional cheeses closely and get information from experts on this subject that they are curious about. This ensures the survival of such traditional flavors in tourism and makes it possible for these beauties to meet with more people. Chefs teach and experience the making of cheeses, thus creating new inspiration for people who will continue this cult.
As part of cheese tourism, many activities emerge where visitors can experience the processes of cheese making and cheese tasting as a source of cheese identity. Let’s take a look at these tours:
The Cheese Regions of France:

Visitors to France are spoiled for choice with the variety of cheeses on offer. In Bordeaux where it’s customary to have cheese with your wine, try a velvety Merlot with a flavorful Tome de Brebis with Piment d’Espelette. The famous cheese cave at Baud et Millet houses over 100 varieties and is an excellent place for cheese tasting tours. In Normandy, you can explore the Cheese Museum and President Farm, where Camembert originates. If you’re venturing to the French Alps, try Reblochon, Tomme de Savoie and Beaufort cheeses. Travel on Luxury Gold’s French Vogue tour and enjoy a gourmet food walk, which will take you to tiny cheese shops of Paris.
Scotland and England:

Although Scotland isn’t the first place one would think of when it comes to cheese, travelers will find an excellent selection of farmhouse cheeses in the small country. From the marbled Cambus O’May that melts in your mouth, to the salty and tangy Lanark Blue that is created from raw sheep’s milk. England is famous for its Stilton, as the town of the same name can be found in Cambridgeshire, though the cheese is no longer made there. The crusted, blue veined cheese is often served in celery or broccoli soup and sometimes blended into a mouth watering sauce for steak. In the rolling valleys of the Cotswolds, you’ll see where the semi-hard Gloucester cheese is made and an annual cheese rolling competition takes place. Guests traveling on the British Royale tour can discover more about cheesemaking in the United Kingdom and sample some of the delightful offerings, including Stilton, found on many restaurant menus.
A Feast for All the Senses:
In a country where cheese is central to their national dishes, it’s no surprise that Italy has some well-known cheesemakers. Mozzarella, gorgonzola, pecorino, ricotta, Parmigano-Reggiano — Italy has such a diverse range of cheese tastes that you could spend your whole vacation trying a new one each day. Join the Ultimate Italy tour and make sure you sample a few on your 12-day adventure. If you’re journeying to Sardinia, you may come across the controversial casu marzu containing live insect larvae that is exclusively made on the island. It is a traditional delicacy on the island, but it is actually illegal in the EU and the United States.
The Region of Don Quixote and Manchego:
Those familiar with Spain will most likely have tried Manchego, the sheep’s milk cheese that comes from the herds of Albacete, Toledo and Ciudad Real. It’s buttery flavor goes well with a glass of Tempranillo and it can almost be spicy when matured for a lengthy period. Join the Spain & Portugal in Style tour and you’ll certainly see Manchego on sale at the markets of Andalusia on Day 7 of your journey. If you venture further north, you’ll find Basque specialties such as Ossau-Iraty and the smoky Idiazabal.
The World’s Largest Cheese Producer:
The United States produces the most cheese every year and it also exports the most cheese around the world. However, does that mean that it has best cheese, or is it simply quantity over quality? That’s no longer up for debate, as Rogue Creamery’s Rogue River Blue no.1 took first place at the World Cheese Awards in 2019. On the Vibrant Quebec and New England tour, you’ll venture into Vermont, which is home to some of the most incredible artisanal cheeses in the country. Try Cabot Clothbound Cheddar with some crisp apple slices or Vermont Shepherd Verano, an earthy cheese made from sheep’s milk.
Pair with a Fruity Red:
In a country that has established itself on the international wine scene, it’s perhaps predictable that it has a robust cheese market too. Gippsland Blue is aged in underground cellars to develop blue vein characteristics; this is a wonderful accompaniment to a sweet dessert wine. Mandolin is a supple, crumbly cheese from south Australia that develops a rusty red appearance. If you’re looking for luxury guided travel Down Under, check out Inspiring Australia with Luxury Gold.
Let’s hear from the mouth of an important organizer of such tours:
What is Cheese Journeys?

Through Cheese Journeys, Anna Juhl and her team aim to create unforgettable food travel opportunities that allow you to share in their passion for artisan cheeses, the individuals who create them and the cultures that nourish them. It’s the commitment of everyone involved with Cheese Journeys to create a uniquely personal and educational travel experience for their guests while promoting an awareness of the world’s finest artisan cheese, food and drink producers — all individuals that have enriched our lives over the years.

Are you a culinary professional, a gourmet food lover, a weekend chef or a cheese enthusiast? Cheese Journeys provides behind the scenes access to cheesemakers, wine producers and culinary experiences that few travelers discover on their own. These tours feature villa stays, cooking classes with our private chefs, cheese pairings with experts and visits to local farms, aging caves and food artisans.
As you can see in the cheese tourism tours we took a look at above, these tours are very important and beneficial tours for the continuation of all these traditions, for the people involved in this tourism, for providing employment to the regions where such workshops are held and for providing benefits to tourism. In order to ensure the continuation of these tours and cheese tourism, it is very important to provide support both by the state and individual aid.
The biggest inspiration is BESTE ACRAN! ❤
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